If you’re looking to kick coffee pods to the curb you’ve got to check out the Ninja Coffee Bar® system. It can do a lot more than just make a cup of coffee. The Ninja Coffee Bar® is capable of producing a variety of brew types and sizes, it comes with a frother, and a booklet filled with all sorts of coffee recipes. With a twist of a knob and a press of a button, you can enjoy coffeehouse-style drinks before you even leave the house. I can think of no better way to start the day.

The Ninja Coffee Bar® system gives you a lot more control over how your coffee tastes. When you drink coffee brewed from pods you are limited to a certain amount of coffee. Those style coffeemakers may adjust the amount of water that flows through the coffee pods for varying degrees of taste (Ninja can do that too) but for people like me that enjoy more concentrated coffees, nothing beats adding more grinds. I like my coffee thick and brewing with the Ninja I can make it just the way I like it.

The first cup of coffee I had in this thing was amazing. The flavor was tons more robust and the coffee itself was so much stronger than what I had become accustomed to. It was absolutely perfect. As I sipped my first cup I began to realize just how much brewing with coffee pods had been dulling my experience. Right now, I don’t think I could ever go back.

Switching back to a semi-traditional coffee maker opened me back up to the full spectrum of coffee blends. Suddenly picking out coffee became exciting again. After ordering my new machine I purchased several bags of pre-ground coffee I could hardly wait to try. I’ve been enjoying my experience so much I’m thinking about buying a coffee grinder to go with my Ninja blender. Nothing beats the flavor and aroma of freshly ground whole beans.

I haven’t had my Ninja Coffee Bar® long but I am excited to try some of those recipes. The thought of making perfect iced coffees and frozen blended drinks is truly brightening my day. The booklet alone comes with 40 recipes including some of my favorites and some I’ve never tried. Why settle for single servings when you can enjoy a wider range of sizes and brews? My Ninja already has me feeling like I have the best coffee house in town and I just bought the thing.